I had a great visit to Emmanuel College in Boston yesterday, another College of the Fenway. First of all, it must be said that the dining hall food ties for first place among all the colleges I have ever visited. But I'm starting with the icing on the cake. Let me get to the meat of the matter. At Emmanuel, career services is a 4-year program. There is a first-year course required of freshmen where they learned all about LinkedIn and networking. By sophomore year, they're doing mock interviews. There are internships junior year and job fairs senior year, with employers coming to campus to recruit. After 4 years of college, students need to get a job and Emmanuel understands and supports that. Also there is a wonderful tradition here in the spring of sophomore year where students declare their major with a formal pinning ceremony and families are invited for this wonderful event. Emmanuel is very generous with merit scholarships, awarding them up to $28,000 per year. But do not underestimate this academic powerhouse. They have had 14 Fulbright recipients since 2011 and 39 students who have received funding to present research at national conferences since 2018. With majors in business, education, liberal arts, nursing and more, there's a lot to dig into here. Lastly, with their president retiring, there's there's a search going on to replace her, and it will be interesting to see where he or she takes Emmanuel!