Wonderful counselor event today at Merrimack College in North Andover MA! What's most impressive about Merrimack is its huge growth over the past 10 years. What used to be a small, local college is now a thriving institution with 4000 undergraduate and almost 2000 graduate students. They are adding programs and building facilities every year. There's a brand new nursing building with state-of-the-art simulation labs, and, by the way, every student at Merrimack is given an iPad. Love that! I was particularly impressed with their Academic Success Center. Besides the usual tutoring and support for all students, anyone with learning differences is automatically assigned a success coach, and all students are offered the opportunity for success coach. This means a weekly 30-minute check-in to make sure the student is on track. Also, all students take four classes, not five, which affords them the opportunity to really focus and succeed. Additionally there's a great system of early alerts so any faculty, coaches, residential staff or anyone else who is concerned about a student not showing up or appearing in distress is reported to the Success Center. If they receive more than one or two emails about a student, the RA knocks on the student's door to check in. Love that! I'll finish with this: in 2020, Money Magazine rated Merrimack College one of the best colleges for your money!